Monday, November 30, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving & White Friday

Doug & Janice McAllister, Provo UT; were our gracious hosts 
for our Thanksgiving Fabulous Feast

Doug is the (employed) Area Legal Counsel for all of Brazil
 and Craig works directly with him.
They will be here 3 years.

She created the perfect backdrop

and their apartment has an incredible view of the skyscape from the 25th floor

The Halls are always willing to blend Thanksgiving and Christmas
Glad that McAllisters are as well :)
We started the event with amazing appetizers
sharing our "gratitude thoughts"

Craig gave thanks for his missionary companions and our unique opportunity
to be here as a threesome - to serve.
Also, he expressed thanks to all the other "seniors"
who work, live, learn, laugh, cry, eat, travel and socialize with us. 

Susan and Robert Hale, Midvale, UT

Lin and Sharon DePaula from American Fork
- she has been ill for much of their time here.
She is determined to stay here as long as she can still stand.
She is always optimistic and positive.
Lin is a native Brazilian who lived in the USA for most of his adult life.
He is the best "translator" in our group and is a great resource.

Shirley Cox is our new Mental Health Advisor from Provo.
She is a divorced/widow and travels the world by herself,
helping missionaries and anyone else that she can reach.

This is Paula and Feron Sonderegger from Idaho.
They are a new couple serving in the Welfare Department.
This is a book about her dad who was the founder of the 
Playmill Theatre in West Yellowstone.

Pres. and Sis. Broadbent is one of our São Paulo mission presidents.
They are long-time friends of the McAllisters so they were invited to join us.

Part of our formal place settings~

Lianne and Leland Thomson


He expressed gratitude for his grandfather 
(who shares the same birthday)
and showed this photo below (possibly from a birthday) 
of the two of them, about 30 years ago.

This is a fraction of the food that was set out and served.
Besides Janice, Carolyn Zaugg (voted best sr. missionary cook)
planned and prepared the main course.
Everyone else contributed in some way.

Janice also has the luxury of a maid that comes 2 days a week to "help out".
Many São Paulo residents hire an "empregada" to work in their home.
Cida was thrilled to participate in this American traditional holiday.
We all wanted to borrow her for our own events!

My "thankful thoughts" turned to this little tangible object.

I showed this because I am grateful for all that it represents.

First of all, my love for my Father in Heaven and in his Son, 
the Savior Jesus Christ and my faith in Them.
 It also represents my testimony of the gospel
and my membership in His true church.
Also, my worthiness and opportunity to attend and officiate,
in any temple where I live.
And last but definitely not least,  it represents our beautiful, eternal family
(not so recent and minus one)
which started here in 1972.

What more could I possibly ever want or need?

This photo includes another new couple. 
Sitting at the table ends are Mary Sue & Romney Burke from Oregon.
Another Area Medical Advisor/Welfare couple.
Also, here on the right is Paul and Diane Wheeler, Logan, UT - IT specialists

At this table are Ben and Rita Hart from Las Vegas.
Area Medical Advisors
(to my left and across)

The next day was "White Friday" for me.
Lots of "specials" here on this day.

Total monetary cost R$0.00
Best deal in town~


  1. Looking forward to seeing you all. Have a great holiday.

  2. Love your posts! It is wonderful to read your blog. Thank you very much for sharing your experiences, and photos, and inspirational thoughts and emotions. All of your dedicated time and efforts are very much appreciated! Linda Hiett
