Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Feel good things~

"Research has demonstrated that when people pet an animal,
their blood pressure and stress levels decrease 
and feel-good hormones increase.  It’s no wonder people love
 being visited by animals while they are recovering. 
Healing is hard work, and having a loving
animal at a patient’s side makes it not only easier, but even fun!"

A message from Intermountain Therapy Animals
these 2 photos were emailed to us

This is our dog Lady.  She currently resides in Delta, UT
Kathie Ivie is Craig's former secretary.  
Her parents live there and they have been Lady's
foster parents on three different occasions.
Twice when we took extended trips to Africa
and now while in São Paulo.

This is Bonnie and Kathie Ivie.
Rod Ivie has been in a care facility for most of this present time.
He recently passed away (July 22) at 80 years old.
He was a popular town barber, 
supporting Delta High school athletes 
by providing free haircuts :)

Lady had visited every day acting as a "therapy animal".
She adores the extra attention,
love and belly rubs that is extended 
by many Delta residents.
She also appreciates the extra "privileges", 
such as furniture sitting, extra grooming 
including pedicures (w/polish!)

Maybe - she will remember,
or care about us,
in December on pick-up day!?!?

Maybe we'll show her this photo of drop-off day~
and some former good times~

And speaking of therapy~

There are various coping strategies that we use 
when we can't think straight,
 or feel - challenged,
or just plain tired.

In Craig's spare time, he likes to run outside or at the gym.
He enjoys reading, naps on Sunday, writes in his journal,
 shoots and organizes photos, and watches TV sports.
He keeps up to date via KSL.com.

Randy watches TV, mostly sports and plays video games.

He also likes connecting with Facebook 
and reading ESPN.com, etc.

Only a few of these activities are done daily.
Most of them we/I fit in when we can.

#1.   I need more of this -
-shavasanah -
which is Sanscrit for 
"corpse pose"
It is a yoga pose of complete relaxation
making it one of the most difficult
but important parts of a yoga practice.

 Except if you are a missionary -  then you have to (get to) do other things also :)

This is a "class" going on at the botanical gardens in Curitiba.
(I'll blog about that trip later)
Anyway, I seriously was ready to lay down and join
 on this gorgeous, sunny day.

which takes me to this image
(not me of course)

but it reminds me of  a new beatitude 
that we have adopted here in Brazil

"Blessed are the 'flexible',  for they shall
not be bent out of shape."

We are learning patience.

but it's not easy

#2. One of our favorite things is our weekly FaceTime fix

and our "connected"
photo frame

Thank you "wi-fi" for bringing our family into our home!
Who would have thought, even 5 years ago,
 that we would depend so heavily on this.
And thank you Craig, Becky, John, Shelly, Jeff and Katie
for your support and the loving faces and voices you provide~

Way too many favorites to post on this week's blog :)

Also, thanks to all our forever family and friends who
continually check-in via
 Ooma Telo Free Home Phone and e-mail.
And sometimes cards and letters in the "pouch-mail"!

We couldn't do this without you
as our cheerleaders!

#3. -writing-

Our house sitter, Gene Buhler sends an email
"Thought for the Day" so I thank him for this

"Consider the notion of scribing. Whatever it is that you write,
putting words on a page is a form of therapy that doesn't cost a dime."
Diana Roab

This is part of the reason that "blogging" is fun and feels good.
There is something eternal in the very nature of writing.
"The palest ink is better than the sharpest memory."
#4.  ~Then there is "gratitude"~
counting my blessings & acknowledging everything positive in my life,
always an "upper"

And being cheerful!
I love seeing someone like this
maybe on a crowded subway.

#5.   And -color therapy-
this requires no extra time or effort - just look around

Autumn in Brazil

 tulip tree in our courtyard

 outdoor market

in Utah we get orange, brown, yellow

in Såo Paulo
we get pink, purple, red and white

 These are the autumn leaves that have fallen and get gathered up
but not before you get to walk through them 
and hear the blossoms pop - 
like walking on bubble wrap :)

poinsettia tree!

autumn sunset

orchid tree

Temple landscapes

#6.   There is the 
-color calm of yarn
and knitting-
I learned knitting as a child but didn't really
get back to it until I found myself spending 
a lot of time visiting with Craig's mother, Donna.
She was an excellent and accomplished knitter.
Many baby sweaters in our family.
I wanted to find an interest for us to "share"
and for her to help me with.
It seemed to help perk her up and provide 
a diversion in some of her later difficult days.
my current project is
a scarf - for me :)

"There's lots of skill to knitting, certainly,
 but I think that a lot of it is all about the muscle memory. 
 One day you'll just find your fingers making the moves and your brain 
will go to this deliciously soothing place, and all the knots in your brain
 will unwind just as your fingers make knot after knot after knot in the yarn."

a quote from this book

#7.  -and reading-
 a favorite evening pastime
this is my most recently finished, highly recommended book

#8.  -then sleep-
 a true treasure
 ocean or white noise machine for better sleep
8 floors above a busy, noisy street
-gift from Sis. Overson before they left São Paulo

#9.  -aroma therapy-
 also, is good for sleeping and general calm

#10.   -And certainly - food therapy :) :) -

combined with color therapy in these two
"rainbow salads"

and dessert of course
carbs - nature's prozac  :)
my favorite DARK chocolate chip oatmeal cookies

#11.  -music therapy-
"Religious" is my favorite genre.
I put all my favorites of 650 songs
in my iTunes shuffle and I never get tired of it.
It brings the Lord's spirit into our home
and helps us control any negative thoughts.

The following are lyrics from my prevailing favorite song.
It's a beautiful poem, even without the music.
An older version is in the current hymnbook
but the new, more popular melody gives it more depth.

Savior, Redeemer of My Soul

Savior, Redeemer of my soul,
Whose mighty had hath made me whole,
Whose wondrous pow'r hath raised me up
And filled with sweet my bitter cup!

Never can I repay thee, Lord,
But I can love thee.  Thy pure word,
Hath it not been my one delight?
My joy by day, my dream by night?
Then let my lips proclaim it still,
And all my life reflect thy will.

O'errule mine acts to serve thine ends.
Change frowning foes to smiling friends.

Chasten my soul till I shall be
In perfect harmony with thee.
Make me more worthy of thy love,
And fit me for the life above.

#12.  -movies-
most recently watched favorite at our neighborhood theatre
sometimes we just stay home and do Netflix

American films in English with Portuguese subtitles~

Easy way to temporarily "escape".

We usually do this with a few of our new Senior friends.

#13.  - socializing-
We also often go out to dinner, or invite for soup and games,
and/or take excursions, with some of them.
They all provide a much needed and appreciated social network.
Such pleasant, devoted and talented people.
We share a common and special bond
as we serve here as foreigners in Brasil~

on of our weekly 
Family Home Evenings
Of course we have our wonderful "amigos Brasileiros".
They are kind and generous.
We love spending time with them when possible.
I'm thinking to name a few:

The Avilas

 The Leites

 The Schiosers

The Kawais

#14.  -heat and light therapy-
this is our heater on warm days

this is our heater for cold nights :)

#15.  Daily scriptures and prayers-
This practice always helps provide a "jump start"
for a great day.

And finally

the best of all

#16. -Celestial Therapy-

The temple is the best part of my "mission".
My "work" here delivers peace and serenity and at the same time
compels me to stretch and learn, more than anything else.
I am grateful beyond words, for this opportunity.

1 comment:

  1. Very lovely mom. I feel more relaxed just reading it! Now.....to go attack the mess before bed ;)
