Sunday, May 17, 2015

Easter (Páscoa) in SP - Ibirápuera Park

So, I'll blame it on Jeff.  He wanted the kids to go to church in Brazil.
The only Sunday that he would be here was Easter and General Conference.
Catholics go to church on Easter, 
Mormons stay home and watch TV*

(Gen. Conf. and Easter are not always the same day)
* television/internet is the easiest way to listen
 to God's latter-day prophets speak to the world  :)

We got up early, caught a bus and a subway to go downtown.

Always - lots of interesting people downtown~

And here we are outside the Sé Cathedral before Easter Mass

 but - the kids might have died without a
pre-mass snack

Beautiful building, wonderful music. with organ, choir, and orchestra.

hair braiding, a standard church pastime

Some things going on, a lot of standing up/sitting down etc.,
 that seemed very different than what we do at church, especially to the kids.
Which was actually the point.
Expose them to "different" but still beautiful/good.

I do regret missing General Conference.
I sincerely love listening to our leaders counsel.
It is very often, very inspiring and uplifting for me.
I listen and re-listen, and read - online; until the next conference.

In the afternoon we did a little,
real meaning of Easter "Friend" activity :)

Baby opted out of church that day.

When we returned from downtown,  it was time for the "hunt".
Instead of Easter baskets, in Brazil, the children write letters to the Easter Bunny
asking for specific things they want inside their hollow chocolate egg.
More candy and/or small toys.
They write about how worthy they are to receive gifts.
Exactly like Santa Claus.

She's always left out of the best things!  No chocolate?!?
This bumbo was a loan from a sweet Brazilian neighbor.
We also borrowed a crib, a breast pump,
and had Dr. Avila help us with a prescription.

All our friends were so excited for us to have family visit,
they were anxious to help.
We all agreed it is wonderful to be able
to serve a mission and visit with family!
Best of both worlds.

everyone's stash

After Grandpa cooked dinner we went to this little neighborhood park
to run around etc. - because they can't get enough of that.

Randy and Savannah in their Easter bonnets

As flores são grande no Brasil!
(flowers are big here :)

and Jane is the BEST baby holder!

FOURTH DAY - 1st stop

São Paulo Temple photos

Only one other regret - our time with the kids here was limited
and did not allow for adult visits inside the Temple.
This is where I do most of my mission service.
I was hoping Jeff and Shelly could see and feel some of
the beauty, joy and peace that is here.
But - this trip was about the grandkids,
so this is the best we could do.

We did all get a look at Grandpa and Randy's offices,
just behind the temple, and meet
some of the delightful people they work with.
The three of us missionaries had arranged a 2 week
vacation from most of our "duties".

FOURTH DAY - bus stop
I think we heard a voice - "Simon says, clasp your hands!"

On our way to the huge Ibirápuera Park

sometimes there just aren't enough regular seats~

awesome, funky equipment

This was the main reason we came to the park.

We wanted to ride bikes and they have all
kinds of wheeled vehicles for rent.

Lucy lives on a busy street and hasn't had a chance
to be comfortable on a 2 wheeler.  We were proud of her
for happily doing her best.

I wish I had a photo
of her on the monkey bars (horizontal ladder) - 
she is the winner on that!

Ryan mastered this "whatever it is".

This is the bridge we cross to catch the bus home.

Huge city skyline!

We had to get home kind of early,
because we had some packing to do!
Leaving for Rio in the morning!!!!

But - not before one stop at our neighborhood
Churasscaria and buffet!

And here we are!
More than ready and waiting for our flight!

RIO photos next!

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